
From One To Many: Tips For Hiring Your First Employees

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From One To Many: Tips For Hiring Your First Employees

One of my biggest challenges as a sole proprietor was always organization. I couldn't keep track of my day's schedule, forget about shipping deadlines and supply order dates. I was quickly in over my head and way behind, so I knew I needed help. Making the transition from working on my own to becoming an employer was rocky. I learned a lot, but I made a lot of mistakes along the way. I created this site to share all of the tips I've picked up to ease that transition when you hire your first employee. I hope that this site helps you to successfully go from a sole proprietorship to an employer.


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How To Remain Safe In A Confined Space While You Wait For An Emergency Team

When you're stuck in a confined space, it can be difficult to know what to do in the moments leading up to the arrival of the emergency response team. Here are some things you can do to stay as safe and calm as possible while waiting for help.

Focus on Breathing

Focusing on your breathing is a key safety tip to practice when awaiting the arrival of the confined space rescue team. Being aware of your breathing can help you remain calm and relaxed while waiting for help, which will make it easier to recognize any changes in air pressure or quality that may require immediate attention.

Additionally, focusing on deep, steady breaths can prevent hyperventilation and other types of shallow breathing, which can cause dizziness and nausea in confined spaces. It is also important to watch out for signs of fatigue or exhaustion while waiting for rescue assistance.

Finally, you should pay attention to any signs of carbon dioxide poisoning, such as headaches, nausea, and confusion. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should take shallow breaths and try to move as little as possible to preserve the limited oxygen in the confined space.

Avoid Movement

If you're feeling disoriented and want to move around, it's important to resist the urge. Moving around in a confined space increases the risk of injuries due to slips, trips, or falls.

It is also essential to maintain your position and not move too much to avoid running out of oxygen or becoming exposed to hazardous materials. Movement within confined spaces can cause a sudden decrease in air quality, creating an unsafe atmosphere.

In addition, you need to remain still if there are any combustible gases present in the area. If you were to move around during this time, there's a chance that static electricity could be generated, which could ignite the combustible gases and cause an explosion.

Finally, it's important to keep in mind that any movement can cause vibrations which could cause further damage to the structure of the confined space. This is especially important if the confined space is built over weak supports, as any movement, in this case, could cause a collapse. For these reasons, it's important to remain in one place until the emergency response team arrives.

Make sure you remain as safe and healthy as possible while waiting for the confined space emergency response team. Avoiding any unnecessary movements, staying in one place, and focusing on your breathing are essential steps to take until help arrives. 

Since confined spaces can be unpredictable and dangerous, it is important to take all necessary safety precautions while waiting for rescue assistance. Doing so can help ensure that you remain unharmed until the emergency response team gets to you. For more information on confined space rescue, contact a professional near you.