
From One To Many: Tips For Hiring Your First Employees

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From One To Many: Tips For Hiring Your First Employees

One of my biggest challenges as a sole proprietor was always organization. I couldn't keep track of my day's schedule, forget about shipping deadlines and supply order dates. I was quickly in over my head and way behind, so I knew I needed help. Making the transition from working on my own to becoming an employer was rocky. I learned a lot, but I made a lot of mistakes along the way. I created this site to share all of the tips I've picked up to ease that transition when you hire your first employee. I hope that this site helps you to successfully go from a sole proprietorship to an employer.


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Safeguard The Stash: How To Keep Your Weed Away From Your Kids

If you're going to take advantage of the changing weed laws, and you have children at home, make sure you have safety measures in place. Weed can pose a serious health risk for young children. That's why you need to keep your weed away from those little hands. Even if you have teenagers in the house, it's still a good idea to keep your weed locked up and out of the way. Here are four steps you can take to prevent your weed from falling into the wrong hands. 

Use Your Existing Safe

If you have a safe in your home, put it to good for your weed storage. You probably already use it to safeguard important documents and valuables, which means your kids know that it's off-limits. That means your kids won't be tempted to try to gain access to it. If you don't have a safe in your home, invest in a small one. You can find inexpensive document safes at most big box stores. Once you have it, let your kids see you placing paperwork into it. That way, they assume it doesn't hold anything interesting. You can now use your safe to store your weed. 

Buy a Locking Tackle Box

If you like to go fishing, start using your tackle box for something other than your fishing gear. Most kids won't get into tackle boxes, especially when they already think that they're filled with bait, lures, and hooks. That makes the tackle box a perfect location for weed storage. Best of all, you can put a small lock on it for an added layer of security. 

Don't Forget About the Edibles

If you're going to indulge in edibles, make sure you keep them away from your kids, as well. Some edibles look just like tasty treats that kids enjoy. For instance, you can find cookies, brownies, and even gummy bear edibles in a variety of flavours. You might not realize that edibles are often hard to distinguish from non-marijuana treats. If you keep them out in the open, your children may accidentally consume them. When planning safe storage areas for your weed, don't forget to find safe places for your edibles too. 

Communicate With Your Children

Finally, if you have teenagers in your home, now's the time to engage in open communication with them. Let them know that you'll be using recreational weed. Open communication will allow them to share their thoughts and concerns with you. This is also a good time for them to talk to you about their own weed consumption. The more open you are with your teens, the less likely it is that they'll sneak into your stash. 

For additional tips, reach out to a local cannabis dispensary.