
From One To Many: Tips For Hiring Your First Employees

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From One To Many: Tips For Hiring Your First Employees

One of my biggest challenges as a sole proprietor was always organization. I couldn't keep track of my day's schedule, forget about shipping deadlines and supply order dates. I was quickly in over my head and way behind, so I knew I needed help. Making the transition from working on my own to becoming an employer was rocky. I learned a lot, but I made a lot of mistakes along the way. I created this site to share all of the tips I've picked up to ease that transition when you hire your first employee. I hope that this site helps you to successfully go from a sole proprietorship to an employer.


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Ensuring Your Employees Have Proper Confined Space Training

Confined space training is essential not only because of provincial laws but also because people could end up getting hurt if the entry and rescue are not done properly. This training should be taken seriously, with no cutting corners. Luckily, the training doesn't take that much time, and it is easy for companies to arrange for training for all their employees. For companies that are undertaking this training for the first time, be aware that this is a continual process of training and re-training.

Training Has to Be Renewed or Redone

The training you and your employees receive in a course is good for two to three years. It has to be renewed, so once your workers have the training, start marking the months until you need to schedule another course. Keep good records because as employees leave and join the company, the training schedules will start to diverge. It would be easy to lose track of who has received the right training and who needs to go through training again. Develop a system of tracking that works for your company and be sure to log each training and its date.

Make Sure the Skill Level Is Appropriate

Confined space training has different aspects, from simple entry to rescuing someone to actually planning the rescue. Make sure you're signing employees up for the correct training level. You don't want new workers taking the advanced planning course or trained workers retaking the basic entry course (except when properly re-training). The courses build upon each other, meaning you have to be sure people get the basic training first and follow the suggested training timeline from the training company.

Make Sure Employees Complete All Courses

Ensure all your employees who have to train in confined space rescue take all of the courses. While you might have a hierarchy all planned out, with some people taking on more advanced duties than others, you never know what the situation will really be like should the employees have to put the confined space training to use. It could be that none of your advanced planners are around, so your rescue-trained workers have to take on those duties. You want everyone to be able to jump into whatever role is needed.

Confined space classes tend to take a day or two per class; you might also find classes that are broken up into shorter segments over a longer span of time. Speak with your employees to find out which timeline they'd prefer.

If you need confined space rescue, reach out to a rescue team near you.